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Bulletin – SURVEY: Online Literacy Development Resources for BC Students

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As part of the provincial K-12 Literacy Supports initiative, the Ministry of Education and Child Care, in collaboration with BCcampus, is seeking input from K-12 teachers and educational support staff on online resource needs related to student literacy development, via a brief online survey, and through a series of focus groups.


The survey will be open from January 31 to February 14, 2025. Please note that survey responses are anonymous and are not intended to assess educator competencies or determine broader programming related to literacy development.

Any questions or concerns regarding the content of the survey or the K-12 Literacy Supports initiative can be submitted to the Inclusive Education Team at For technical support regarding the survey, please contact

Focus Groups

Focus groups are expected to be scheduled in February and March 2025. Participants will be asked to participate in 1 virtual engagement session on either a weeknight or weekend, for approximately 2 hours. Participants will be paid $162.50 for their time.

If you are a direct student support worker interested in participating in a focus group, please contact Robynn Devine at Please include the following information:

  • Name
  • Email and phone number
  • School District
  • Position title
  • Grade level(s) you support


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